Tomorrow also we are promised temperatures above zero, but then according to ten days weather forecast February will arrive with some more snow and a couple of degrees below zero (C). So today on the ground both wite and green and water puddles in front of my doorstep. This year the snowpile outside my window is not so high as last year, and I do not at all wish for more snowfalls. The "christmas tree" or Picea Abies asccording to Carl von Linné in latin, is "dancing" in the breeze. So I named the place "Den dansande granen" in swedish. Gran is the tree, but if you write "grannen" the meaning becomes different: It is your neighbour dancing, not the tree. In front of this in the yard is a rowan tree, rönn in swedish. More about this in NATURE GATE.
Med Carl von Linné i skog och mark.